Global settings

Settings dialog can be accessed from File menu.


For configuring SMTP server used for sending alerts and notifications. Also, you should configure Email to: and Email from: addresses.

MSMQ Check settings

QueueMonitor permanently monitors MSMQ service. If it stops, QueueMonitor will raise alert and pause all other tasks until MSMQ service is available again. This is done in order to prevent all other tasks from failing and sending alerts, which could make it harder to see where real problem is.

You can specify set of actions when service is down, and another set when service starts again.

Default alerts

You can define actions which will be performed for all tasks which have Global default actions set up in their Alerts, On Failure or On Recovery settings. Each task can define different subject and details values, which can be used with {subject} and {details} macros.

For example you can define that for all alerts email is sent, and details written to Windows event log.


Configure how much details QueueMonitor will write to its log. Possible values are Debug (full logging), Info (medium amount), and Error (only errors). QueueMonitor writes log to c:\ProgramData\Cogin\QueueMonitor\logs\. Currently, QueueMonitor keeps at most 10 log files, each one limited to 1MB. Log of current session is also visible in Admin application and updated in real time.

SQL connections

All SQL connections for SQL actions can be managed from here.

Regional settings

You can specify Date and Time formats here.


Turn on or off DTC usage. When DTC is turned on, for transactional queues QueueMonitor will use distributed transaction which will include any SQL Server actions performed during processing. That way, all transactional resources (MSMQ and SQL Server) will be either committed or rolled back together.