
By default, any user who starts Admin console can connect to any Agent and configure it. QueueMonitor allows you to limit access to specific users or groups, using Windows local or domain accounts. This is supported since version 1.6.9.

Access to agent can be limited by editing file Authorization.config. That file is located in c:\ProgramData\Cogin\QueueMonitor\ folder. If file is missing, QueueMonitor will auto create default one next time it starts. Changes to this file are applied immediately, you don’t have to restart QueueMonitor.

Default content of Authorization.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Authorizations xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <Role name="admin" allowAll="true">
    <Users />

How to enable authorization

Change ‘true’ to ‘false’ in following line:

<Role name="admin" allowAll="true">

If it’s true, all users will be accepted, no matter which users/groups are listed later.

How to allow specific groups

Add user group to Groups section. Each group should be in separate <Group> element. By default, “Administrators” group is already listed there.

How to allow specific users

Add user to Users section. Each user should be in separate <User> element. E.g.:


Please note that domain, machine, or user name are not case sensitive, but you must use backslash \ as seen in example above.

All changes are applied immediately, without restarting QueueMonitor.