QueueExplorer can be run using Wine on Linux. Since it's nontrivial to manually set it up, we created a script which downloads and sets up all needed pieces.
Follow instructions for your distribution on WineHQ web site. Wine 5.x releases up to v6.6 had broken .Net framework compatibility.
We recommend Wine 7
QueueExplorer was tested with Wine version 7, Developer branch, since stable Wine 7 branch was not yet available on Ubuntu as of 19th January 2022.
If everything is ok, typing "wine --version" will give you "wine-7.0" or something similar.
Here's what this script does:
* Wine prefix is a way to separate different applications, so that each app can have separate configuration, installed libraries, etc.
Since .Net doesn't run well under Wine in 64-bit mode, we're creating separate 32-bit Wine prefix.
Script: https://www.cogin.com/QueueExplorer/linux/installQE
wget -O installQE https://www.cogin.com/QueueExplorer/linux/installQE chmod +x installQE ./installQE
Upgrading existing installation will be much faster if you use following upgrade script:
wget -O upgradeQE https://www.cogin.com/QueueExplorer/linux/installQE chmod +x upgradeQE ./upgradeQE
* Windows 8 and Windows 2012 can cause blue screen on some configurations when accessing remote queues. It is MSMQ issue but affects QueueExplorer users as well. More details and hotfix: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2840622